Dec 21, 2024
I have seen the truck all over town delivering goodies to all my favorite places like Bread & Butter Kitchen, Bean Rush Cafe, Leeward Market, 49 West, The Big Bean, Annapolis Juice Shop, and plenty of others, so we needed to talk!
So, I went over the bridge to Easton to meet with Tricia King, the Gluten-Free Bakery Girl!
When we last spoke with her back in 2022, she had a small shop in St. Michaels and a single page of places to buy her goodies! This year, she's doubled her space on Aurora Street in Easton, invested in some great automation, and expanded her business to ship nationwide.
And if you are under the impression (as I was) that gluten-free
means bland and tasteless--you are SO wrong! I dove into a lemon
bar and was sold. We dove into the goodies and also the health
benefits of those who have Celiac Disease, are gluten intolerant,
and even those who are just looking to be healthier. I was
surprised at the different symptoms that Celiac Disease has and
also the general benefits of reducing and eliminating gluten.
Finally, if you can't find Gluten Free Bakery Girl products in your
local grocery store (they are available at Graul's) or coffee shop,
tell them to order some!
Have a listen!