Feb 28, 2020
Give us about ten minutes a day and we will give you all the local news, local sports, local weather, and local events you can handle.
PROGRAMMING NOTE: I have switched to recording on a new computer and a new audio editing software program. Leaning the ins and outs and any criticism is appreciated! Email info@eyeonannapolis.net or Twitter @eyeonannapolis -- Thanks
Today...Annapolis Police arrest a man after he threatened a woman with a rifle. Two patients in Maryland are being tested for Coronavirus and Dr. Freedman from Evolve Direct and Primary Care has some words of advice on the Coronavirus. A noose was found in a science classroom at Southern Middle School. Finalists for County Teacher of the Year were announced. And former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh was sentenced to 3 years in prison!
It's Friday, which means we have a few events you might want to check out including a KIX (yes the band from the 80s) at Union Jacks, Annapolis Restaurant Week, the Brigade Boxing Championships at the USNA, a play at Colonial Players and the WRNR Holistic Health Fair.
And of course, George from DMV Weather is here with your local weather forecast! Please download their APP so you can keep on top of the local weather scene!
The Eye On Annapolis Daily News Brief is produced every Monday through Friday and available wherever you get your podcasts and also on our YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter feeds, and of course at Eye On Annapolis.