Sep 28, 2020
NOTE: This podcast was recorded prior to County Executive Pittman allowing indoor concerts.
When I first heard the word "hydroxylator," I was thinking it
was something that Doc Brown from Back to the Future may have
invented. But I was wrong!
The Hydroxylator is
an invention created here in Annapolis by AC Beverage to help their
customers get back in business as fast and safely as possible. The
Hydroxylator takes distilled water, runs it through a metal screen
and then a light, creatng hydrogen peroxide that is ionized and is
continuously distributed into the air of a venue to kill the
COVID-19 germs. I thought it was a pretty big reach for a company
that manufacturers beer distribution systems, but I was wrong!
We sat down with Charlie Kleinrichert the founder of AC Beverage
and Kyle Muehlhauser the owner of Rams Head On Stage which is one
of the region's early adopters of the technology along with
Bay RIdge Wine & Spirits
and Adam's Ribs.
As you begin to see these around, now you know the science behind